Dr Copperfield pens an open letter to patients following the BMA’s announcement for planned industrial action to start in August
So now we know. The initial sabre rattle of industrial action will be something along the lines of not doing fit notes, scripts, and investigations which should have been arranged by secondary care. In other words, a homoeopathic work to rule, which will hardly have Rishi quaking in his Adidas Samba OGs.
This is hardly surprising. Devising realistic and effective GP industrial action has proven fiendishly difficult in the past; with the exception of the undated resignation option – which, depending on your conspiracy theory dial setting, is probably/possibly exactly what the government wants anyway.
I’d suggest a change of tack. No one cares about how hard we work, or how poorly we’re funded. What people do care about is themselves. So let’s make it all about the patients. I’d suggest an open letter to various media outlets along the lines of the following:
“Dear member of the public,
You are in danger. And you’re in danger because general practice is falling apart. You’ve probably noticed this already. It’s difficult to get an appointment at your local surgery. And when you do, you may not see a GP anyway.
Most of you – especially regular users of healthcare – value your GP highly. You know we can deal with the vast majority of your health problems and have your best interests at heart. The problem is that mismanagement of the NHS has meant fewer GPs, with us replaced by other workers, such as nurses, pharmacists and physician associates.
These people are hard working and well-meaning. But they are not GPs. We train for 10 years before we qualify. So we can deal with complex problems, spot serious issues among the minor ones, and decide which tests you really need. Importantly, we know when you need specialist help. Non-GPs do not have this training – at least, to nowhere near the same level. It’s not their fault. They have been thrust into their current frontline positions by government policy.
This has to mean a poorer service. A more dangerous one. This has happened by stealth – there has been no public consultation.
Are you happy with this? If not, write to your MP, now. Or just go ahead and storm the Houses of Parliament. Whatever it takes.
The one remaining GP in England.”
This, I think, would achieve more than all of the fiddling-around-the-edges industrial action. It would gain publicity and focus political minds. Oh, and it would tell the truth. And when you have two opposing views, one political and one medical, I reckon I know which the public will believe. Even if it is terrifying.
Dr Tony Copperfield is a GP in Essex
A super letter TC, explains the GP situation better than anything by the BMA. In fact the Magnificent Sun of our Leadership has been busy putting action into mime. Here’s them miming a picket line, another miming waving a piece of undated paper. One photo-op mime of marching down to Downing St and another miming a covert backstreet chat with the Minister. And here’s a mime of a bunch of ARRS people miming the GP look (complete with stethoscopes round their necks). And finally an empty mime – signifying the GP extinction!!
might just work
I am not sure you are the last remaining GP in England as I am still here (only just) so there are at the very minimum at least 2 of us.
Anyway, even if there were 2 of us, this still can’t be true as we would both be unable to write either this column or comment as then both of us would be too busy supervising £1,400,000, 000 per year of ARRs who would be getting ready to replace at least one of us!
Then this article may become the governments /PCNs wish come true and you are truly the only remaining GP!
Totally agree. The patients are not being made aware of the seriousness of what is happening to General Practioners and their role.
Should be on the front page of every rag! The fact it won’t be, speaks volumes!
A sure way to fail it is decide you will before you start.
A letter such as proposed should be on sent to every newspaper and ‘rag’ editor in the country – it would only take one to publish and the band-wagon would begin to roll.
Tony this won’t work. Our currency with the public has been systematically devalued by the Tories through their media outlets. We have no voice anymore with the voters. You have to admit the scumbags have played a blinder.
suggest adding- what is left is being bought up by hedge funds and corporations, just like dentists and vets and charges to you in the future may well be similar. ps many of your MPs have strong financial ties to private health companies and you wonder why the NHS is being run like it is?
We need a new contract based on time and number of patients not abusive block contracts.
PLEASE send this to a newspaper to print !
this is pretty much the approach that we took- put a less humorous version on our surgery website. simply explaining how gov and NHSE making practices unviable and what is happening in PCNs with ARRS nonsense. some patients did contact our Conservative MP, who was usually vocal on local matters, but since not long ago went mute. I don’t know if it’s going help any positive change but we certainly don’t see as many complaints about lack of access as we used to. and patients seem more understanding and appreciating us. just a bit more? maybe…