The media has been awash with talk about ‘vaccine nationalism’. I think that this concept has been poorly explained and misconstrued.
I have no problem with the nation expressing pride at being at the forefront of vaccine research and delivering what seems like an efficient vaccine roll-out. This shows the strength of the NHS as an organisation and highlights how better test and trace would have been if it were NHS led in the first place.
However, there is a need for a wider understanding that no matter how fast or comprehensively we vaccinate our population, it will not be sufficient to control the pandemic. The very nature of a pandemic is that the disease has spread all over the world.
We are not an island in ‘splendid isolation’ and cannot take a myopic view on the extent of the problem. Covid is fast acquiring mutations all over the word and only if we can vaccinate at a global level and at pace, will we achieve control. Failing this, we will soon find resistant strains on our doorsteps, outdoing our national efforts at vaccination.
There is a need for leadership at a global level so as to get other nations on board, including those we would not ordinarily partner. This is not a time for politicising matters. This is an opportunity for our nation to lead, and it should be taken.
Dr Milan Dagli is a GP in Harrow
Unfortunately politics cannot be separated from this.
Not sure what is meant by ‘ lead’ .
what a load of rubbish
You have to put your own mask on, before helping others on a stricken plane. So you need to protect your own nation’s population as much as possible first, before you help others globally (which will be necessary too, at some stage going forward of course).
On the subject of protecting our population first, there are many groups that need protecting ahead of others, so now the plan is to allow so many pupils and their teachers back to school in March together on the same date, (could be the plan of a buffoon), (and this would be better managed in a staged way with younger primary school children first back to school), why are their teachers who are adults and more likely to spread covid, not being immediately prioritised to be vaccinated? in order to protect the children and others with whom they are possibly to be in contact with, e.g. parents, other teachers and the nation.
In some respects a myopic view actually would work.
But GovUK actually dismissed border control, allowed free movements, no masks, dubious track and trace and any significant criminality/fines. Those countries that hunkered down – succeeded and have set a foundation. We are world leading in floundering. And procuring something or another.