We understand that you, as GPs, are facing the most intense, unfamiliar and maybe even most frightening times of your professional lives.
We also know that your needs now are different to your needs during ‘normal’ times. You have changed the way you work, and are often operating outside your comfort zone.
And because you are changing, we have to change what we do. Pulse has been there to support GPs for 60 years, and now we want to support you to save lives more than ever.
As a result, we have shifted our focus. We are concentrating on providing you with the resources and information you need, such as how to source your own PPE and the death certification process. These are just two of the 70 resources you can find on PulseToday, offering up similar information.
We are also producing more clinical content than ever. Our ‘Clinical Crises’ page will have easy to understand guides on dozens of acute conditions.
This requires resources for a small team like Pulse’s. So we have set up our Pulse Education Fund, reaching out to partners who want to help us help you. We are very grateful to the organisations who have, or are going to, contribute to the fund – including our first contributors, AskmyGP and Medical Protection.
We will be updating this page over the next few months.
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