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Capita is indicative of our acceptance of slow deterioration

Capita is indicative of our acceptance of slow deterioration

Capita’s service delivery arm PCSE has let GPs down, but Jaimie Kaffash argues that being let down is now the norm thanks to the slow deterioration of all public services

When Capita took over GP support services in England seven years ago, they weren’t in a perfect state. Yet, since then, things have got progressively worse.

Our case studies speak for themselves. And our investigation has revealed why the contract has been extended, despite how much GPs’ lives have been affected. The truth of the matter is that the Government and the NHS are happy with the savings made and don’t really mind about service levels.

Which perfectly encompasses general practice as a whole. Over the past decade, GP services have been slowly deteriorating, people’s lives have been affected and – of course – GPs’ own personal and working lives are the lowest priority.

This can be applied across public services, and things aren’t going to get any better with the latest round of austerity and the coming recession.

So what if GPs have to wait longer for their pensions statements, and are unable to retire on time as a result? So what if they aren’t being put on performers lists and are unable to practise? So what if patients are being seen by a physician associate when they should be seen by a GP? And so what if council housing budgets have been slashed and families have to put up with damp for longer?

I know I sound like a broken record, and my focus on austerity annoys certain commenters. But the slow deterioration of all public services is leading at best to stressful inconvenience (Capita) and at worst, lives lost (NHS, housing services, etc).

On the plus side, the Government is making savings. So that’s good.

Jaimie Kaffash is editor of Pulse. Follow him on Twitter @jkaffash or email him at [email protected]



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Patrufini Duffy 2 December, 2022 1:46 pm

Capita is indicative of siphoning and corrupt management within the NHS. The same inert and nameless management entities / personalities that dishes out:

Yes, the Government is making savings – into pockets no one can see, laughing gleefully – as they did with thousands dead in Covid – whilst they sat on their boats and offshore havens, procuring and signing off this and that; which you will never know, as it is too late. The future they set; 2 years ago. They revel in the demise of public services – why? – because those same narcissists come with a “solution” 5 years later and procure the gap which they created; the saviors – without accountability and without erasure. Genius self-preservation and inner circles. Maybe not for long – and that is what worries them. They will be scrambling for the hills soon.

Sam Macphie 12 December, 2022 11:49 am

Yes, public services deterioration, slow or fast, is terrible. People who voted for the Blue Party must rue the day.