Sofia Lind on the chaos and confusion around patient records access
Yesterday was supposed to be the day that patients could view their prospective GP record live in their smart phones.
However, as is usually the case with flagship NHS IT projects, that did not happen.
GPs had raised concerns until they were blue in the face that GP notes are written for GPs not patients, and blanket access will generate unnecessary anxiety.
They had also complained about the complete lack of a process for safeguarding vulnerable patients and the general fact that they have been left in the lurch as legal data controller of widely shared data that they have no wish to share.
But there was little to no acknowledgement of these arguments from NHS leaders or the Government.
Instead, the project was blocked at the last minute by the system suppliers – EMIS and TPP – who said they wouldn’t switch on the functionality due to GDPR and safeguarding concerns among GPs.
Until it wasn’t, according to a BMA notice to LMCs, which was leaked to Pulse, and suggested the system suppliers had made a U-turn.
On social media, GP practices were sharing Pulse stories to try to figure out what was going on.
In Parliament, the latest reincarnation of a Tory health secretary, days into his latest tenure, said the functionality was being switched on, with the project to complete this month.
From NHS leaders there was… silence until late evening, when NHS England guidance confirmed that practices which have opted out their patients will see a delay until 30 November.
The only saving grace is that the Government seems to have done absolutely no marketing of the ‘citizen access’ programme to, well, the citizens.
Is it time to silently also roll out that latest incarnation of, Steve Barclay?
I for one am feeling completely reassured.
Sofia Lind is deputy editor of Pulse. Follow her on twitter at @sofialind_Pulse or email her at [email protected]
Surely as data controllers practices have the ultimate right to allow prospective full access or not ?
If NHSE and the system suppliers turn it in without consent that would I understand breach current data protection law ?
Please could BMA refer this to the information commissioner and the chief Caldecott Guardian for the NHS