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Enough is enough

Enough is enough

The GP bashing has ramped up this week, to the point of knocking Afghanistan off the front pages and being the subject of a Matt cartoon.

I can’t imagine how unhelpful this coverage must be for already overworked GPs. The constant barrage of messages claiming general practice is closed and GPs are refusing to see patients will always penetrate the public consciousness, and I’m sure every GP will experience the consequences of this coverage in barbed comments (or worse) from patients.

I’m not going to address the columns of Allison Pearson and James Kirkup word for word. While the latter at least had the kernel of an argument, Pearson’s article seemed to be predicated on anecdotes and a complete misunderstanding of the dangers of Covid.

And the main criticisms from both are demonstrably unfair, given in 95% of cases GPs can do nothing to address them.

Practices cannot open up because they are already open. GPs cannot work longer hours to meet demand because they are already working unsafe hours. And they can’t shift more resources from remote consultations to face-to-face appointments because this would provoke criticisms from patients who have come to like digital access, as well as questions from commissioners – and would lead to even longer waiting lists anyhow.

It seems the only thing that would satisfy these commentators is for the GPs who aren’t working 11 hours a day to give up any ambitions of maintaining a work-life balance (something Ms Pearson says explicitly). How enforcing this would help attract the thousands of GPs we so desperately need is anyone’s guess.

No one would deny that there are problems with access to GPs – not least GPs, who have been banging the drum about the crisis for years now. But the attempts to identify GPs’ laziness as the cause is in itself lazy and more importantly deflects from the real, structural problems. And that is that demand is far too high and supply is far too low. But acknowledging this makes for much harder arguments and risks shifting the blame to a government that these columnists have enthusiastically endorsed.

Enough is now enough. But what can be done? First, the profession needs to counter the message that general practice is closed. Instead, this needs to be replaced with a campaign based on positive messages: the GP is the patient’s advocate; they are there for you when you need them; they will always do what is clinically appropriate for you; they will do all they can to differentiate the innocuous sore throat from the sore throat that is cancer.

These positive messages will be then followed up with explanations: sometimes, a GP will make the decision to consult remotely if that is appropriate; sometimes services won’t be as convenient as you’d like because the safety of patients and staff – whether that be safety from infection, or from burnt out GPs – must come ahead of convenience; and sometimes you might have to wait longer for a routine appointment because there are simply not enough resources.

How the BMA and RCGP conveys these messages is something I’ll leave to their PR experts. But we will be pushing these messages out there as much as we possibly can, starting with our survey, which I urge you to take when we make it live later this week.

We need to change the tune, and that process must start now.

Jaimie Kaffash is editor of Pulse. Follow him on Twitter @jkaffash or email him at [email protected].



Please note, only GPs are permitted to add comments to articles

Not Arvind Madan 1 September, 2021 3:54 pm

How about these messages?

GPs arent here for you for every little thing. Dont contact us unless you are unwell. Most people know very well what ‘unwell’ is.

A lot of people actually PREFER the alternative methods of consults. I for one find it fantastic that i can contact my GP WHEN I NEED THEM, for specific matters, online and they can contact me when they have time. I dont have to drag myself to the surgery in order to get their help, but know they will invite me in if i need to be seen.

People dont seem to mind waiting weeks for hospital appointments. They can wait for GP appointments.

We dont care what you think of us. Treat us with respect or we will kick you off list. We will continue doing our job to the best of our ability and give you fantastic care irrespective of what the Tory aligned mob say. Choose your side.

J Nas 1 September, 2021 5:59 pm

Beautifully said Not Arvind Madan!!👍🏽👏🏽

Valerie Jane Philip 1 September, 2021 6:11 pm

And, if the recent journalist stuff in both Times and Telegraph isn’t bad enough, today a consultant surgeon in a letter to the Times gives a disparaging diatribe re he has never seen this burn out part time stress stuff from the great and good brain surgeon types who deal with “life and death decisions every day” while GPs are at the opposite end of the “complexity spectrum “
When professional colleagues fail to understand what hope for the public !

John Graham Munro 1 September, 2021 9:25 pm

Isabel Oakeshott (Sunday Times) decided to investigate Practice closures—– she contacts her friend Dr. Mike Smith (a media doctor)—–he arranges a surgery session with Dr. Dean Eggitt (a young G.P. who looks as though he’s just come off the set of Love Island.
Now it gets spooky——One by one she is introduced to patients with exciting conditions who could potentially drop dead the next day if it were not for this stressed out medic. (? staged) —– whether Ms. Oakeshott is taken in by all this, I doubt, but a sugary report duly appears in her newspaper
BY contrast, I would like Isabel to sit in on my surgeries—–there she would meet a succession of boring, but lovable old ”farts” who leave my clinic undiagnosed but happy

Patrufini Duffy 2 September, 2021 2:29 pm

Behind the bashing is a deep jealousy of you, and contempt of your place in society. Nothing more than the bullys of the school, your know the lot, behind the sheds that hate seeing you working hard. Those narcissists are now in media, politics and chum-land. You have faced greater challenges than some Daily Mail dropout and Tweeting troll.

Simon Macartney 23 September, 2021 9:21 am

The last person to leave General Practice please remember to switch off the lights…