Since the outbreak of this pandemic, Pulse has strived to support you, whether it be through our resources page, a single page containing all the information you are receiving, or our ‘Clinical Crises’ series, helping you to cope with the complex conditions that secondary care are unable to see. And we are still breaking all the news that matters to you, such as, the problems around PPE and the risks for black, Asian and minority ethnic GPs, and taking the health secretary to task over the shielded patients fiasco.
However, good journalism cannot be done on the cheap. And, like the whole publishing industry, we have been affected by the economic slowdown caused by the virus.
We strongly believe that the content we produce should remain free as we feel it is essential for you.
Because of all this, we are setting up a voluntary donation scheme. There is no compulsion whatsoever to donate. But if you feel we are helping you, and you would like to support us, anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated and would allow us to continue to maintain our standards of journalism and everything else we are doing.
It is entirely up to you if, and how much, you donate and whether you donate monthly, annually or as a one-off.
Finally, we wanted to thank all GPs and NHS workers on behalf of all of us at Pulse. We know what we are doing is minor compared with the sacrifices being made by you and your staff, but we want to continue doing what we can.