Liz Truss has promised to ensure people can access GP appointments, but given her recent predecessors’ failure to deliver on this front, Sofia Lind says she faces a daunting challenge
‘We shouldn’t be daunted by the challenges we face,’ said Liz Truss in her first speech to the nation as Prime Minister yesterday afternoon.
But in the previous breath she had made a promise that every recent, short-lived Conservative Prime Minister that has come before her has failed to deliver upon.
Within her top three priorities, alongside ‘getting Britain working’ and solving the energy crisis, Ms Truss promised to ‘make sure that people can get doctors’ appointments and the NHS services they need’.
In the literal sense, that is not just an admirable goal, but a vital one. And as Pulse and the GP community are all too aware, GPs and their staff are working themselves sick to provide exactly that.
Unfortunately, the Prime Minister will not be judged on whether she achieves the goal of getting the public the number of GP appointments it needs, but rather the number it wants.
(And the Daily Mail will be on the ready to hold her to account on the task.)
As such, it is a very daunting challenge indeed. But if it comes with a renewed focus on general practice – and, crucially, increased funding for core services – then it is a welcome target.
The Prime Minister – who has already indicated that she will reverse the national insurance hike – may need to have a daunting discussion with the Treasury first*.
*(Hopefully not to ask for money towards NHS chiropractors.)
Sofia Lind is deputy editor of Pulse. Follow her on twitter at @sofialind_Pulse or email her at [email protected]