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Christmas appeal: help the Cameron Fund keep supporting GPs in hardship

41 dr david wrigley power50 2016

Dear colleagues,

Throughout the year we have been able to help numerous GPs and their families who have found themselves in financial crisis, primarily through loss of earnings. Our aim is to tailor financial support to an individual’s situation and, whenever possible, help with a return to work and enable the GP to earn a sustainable income.

I would like to emphasis just how much the Cameron Fund depends on your generosity. Without this support, we would not be able to continue helping colleagues. Here is a response to our 2016 Appeal:

‘I also received help from the Cameron Fund… I was out of work for almost two years due to illness and they were really supportive. We have three children and I was the sole earner so the financial aid was a lifesaver. There was also financial advice given, which helped me access the correct benefits and mortgage support payments. An amazing charity, so grateful for the help.’

Donations from LMCs and individuals account for nearly half of our income each year. Unfortunately, over the past year or two income has dropped, while the financial support the Fund has given to GPs and their family dependents has increased. Therefore, we need to ask everyone to support us with a donation to this year’s Christmas Appeal, so this situation does not continue and we do not have to take the decision to limit the financial support we provide.

Your valuable support will mean we can continue to help GPs and their dependents in times of crisis in the year to come

Please could you distribute this appeal, and ask all your LMC and constituent GPs to consider giving their support to the Fund again this year?

We would be pleased to receive a donation directly into the Fund’s account (CAF Bank: Sort Code 40 52 40, Account number 00015215) or a cheque to the address below, or otherwise email [email protected]

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those LMCs that have already provided very generous donations during the year. Your valuable support will mean we can continue to help GPs and their dependents in times of crisis in the year to come.

Please remember, if you know of any colleagues who may be struggling financially, suggest they contact us without delay.

We’d like to wish you a happy Christmas and healthy New Year.

Dr David Wrigley, Treasurer, Cameron Fund, BMA House, London WC1H 9JP