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Donate to the Cameron Fund’s Christmas appeal – we can’t work without you

At the Cameron Fund we appreciate all the support we receive from the profession and would like to give a huge ‘thank you’ to all those who have helped us.

This year, a much greater number of applications that we have received were from GPs who are encountering difficulties in returning to work following illness or professional difficulties.

We endeavour to tailor financial support to suit their individual situations and to have the greatest impact and best possible outcome. This help often is in the form of grants to pay for essential expenditure.

However, this year there has been a substantial rise in the loans we have provided – £38,000 more than in 2015. This places a strain on our finances.

We are proud to witness every beneficiary’s return to general practice, and none more so than the case of Dr T, when he was able to restart work after several years.

Dr T first came to the fund for help in 2009. He had found himself with no income, and struggling to pay essential bills. The family were facing eviction over mortgage arrears and had bailiffs threatening action over their council tax arrears. We provided professional money advice, and a monthly grant towards essential living costs.

We have continued to support Dr T on his eventual return to the performers’ list and gave an emergency loan when his induction and refresher bursary was delayed. Dr T was finally cleared to return to practice and is now working as a GP again.

He writes: ‘I sincerely doubt I would have been able to return to being a GP without the fund’s help… I do not think any of you can imagine the positive impact your words and actions have had on myself, my wife and my children.’

We would like to ask you to consider giving generously to the Fund’s Christmas appeal. Your support means we can continue to help GPs return to practice.

You can go to and click on the ‘Donate Now’ button or we would be pleased to receive a cheque, sent to the Cameron Fund, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP.

If you know of a colleague who is struggling financially, please tell them to get in touch.

If you would like to write to Pulse, please email [email protected]