For the last five years I have constantly read about the partnership/salaried divide in the medical press and the same statements are made now as they were back then, despite profits tumbling in that time.
The term exploitation has been used on a number of occasions, which is an extremely strong word and needs justification.
While I am certain that there are a minority of partners who are earning the types of salaries that the press allude to, the majority of partnerships, especially in inner-city areas, are struggling to take home even as much as their own salaried staff. What headline average partnership salaries do not account for, as well as the additional tax, national insurance and pension contributions, are individual partners' seniority benefits. So it is like comparing apples with pears.
I have been a partner for four and a half years, so I am among the many GPs in their early forties who have little seniority (with little hope this benefit will remain when I am older), a massive mortgage, a dwindling pension and the prospect of working another 25 years.
Judging by the recent empty partnership vacancies in our area, I think deep down most salaried GPs are aware of the harsh reality facing the profession at the moment. But please, change the record about being exploited. We are all going to be screwed by this Government!
From Dr Shaba Nabi