Indemnity had been one of the burning topics of discussion in the GP survival forum over the past year. But its significance didn’t hit me until I got my MDO renewal quote in August.
I read the quote then read it again unable to believe it was right. It changed August from my birthday month to horror month.
Finally, I composed myself and rang my defence union to query the mammoth rise in fees when my circumstances had not changed. My defence organisation explained they are expecting a 10% rise every year as litigation culture has hit us hard.
So it’s a double whammy for GPs with increased indemnity and litigation. It left me wondering when complaints, which used to be a learning tool, turned into weapons of warfare against GPs.
I had to drop out of hours (OOH) work as it was not financially viable. For me, as a single mum, it meant a few treats for my son had to go. In a wider view, the NHS lost a willing GP to indemnity, adding to the OOH crisis. This was not inflicted upon the NHS by my gender, no matter what some (Dominic Lawson) might say.
Among all the other factors which are crippling general practice, rising indemnity is the one which can effectively stop me from working.
The thought scares me so I distract myself and start building Lego with my son and hope we will have a solution soon. If not, I am doomed.