As reported in Pulse, in Gosport we have colleagues who are struggling through no fault of their own and considering going fully salaried in a takeover by Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. This is a particular shame as vanguards like us are an attractive option for young GPs – we have had two young GPs knock on one of the practices to say they had heard that we are a vanguard practice and want to work here.
We know from a Wessex LMC survey that newly trained GP do not want to be partner or own a GP building/surgery. So an employed model with career pathway for younger GPs seems attractive without the responsibility of running a business and employing many people. After 5 to 10 years, they may consider partnership when they have a greater understanding of the risks and rewards.
All the practices in Gosport have indicated they want us to present a detailed plan of the employed model for the whole area, what it would mean for them, and what it would mean for patients. If as a system we are all truly aligned in terms of mission, vision values, and aligned incentives there clearly will be efficiencies that will make this sustainable and an attractive place to be for the next generation of GPs.