The LMCs special conference will debate the possibility of building vast underwater cities made out of glass, brewing immortality cocktails and evolving wings for humans.
All of the agenda items are considered to be achievable and some may well be in touching distance.
The fact that our aims are completely unachievable by mankind will not deter us
‘We’ve thought about the wings idea quite a lot,’ says an LMC delegate, ‘That particular agenda item was put forward by Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland who quite liked the idea of nice, white feathery wings, the type that melt if you get too close to the sun. It’s important to have blue sky thinking at these sort of events don’t you think? The sort of thinking which leaves people saying “what the f*ck?”’
The LMCs special conference, due to convene in London on 30 January, has published an agenda and made its demands known, but it’s not clear how it’s going to achieve them.
‘We need a ten point action plan and a clear goal about how we’re going to achieve our aims,’ says an LMC representative, ‘The fact that our aims are completely unachievable by mankind will not deter us.’
Dr Kevin Hinkley is a GP in Edinburgh
Pulse will be reporting live from the Special LMCs Conference this Saturday. Follow all the developments at