With reference to BMA London's vote of censure for Dr Hamish Meldrum – ask a room of 10 doctors and you'll get 11 opinions.
Meldrum rocked by 'no confidence' vote from BMA members over health bill opposition
GPs are a varied group of people with strong views. Some may think they will best serve patients by being active in clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), others feel they are best placed in the consulting rooms and others by being union leaders.
As GPs, all of them will be quite good at weighing arguments, facts and fables and coming up with a decision or opinion – it's what we do.
As long as the patient and the community we serve is at the heart of the decision, then it's probably quite justifiable. We need to start looking after each other and working together.
I suspect the Department of Health must be rather pleased with the breakdown of relations between GPs.
From Dr Simon Ruffle
Twyford, Berkshire