Table-straddling, karaoke and a PCT drowning its sorrows: 'Through the K hole' reports from the health service's annual Christmas do
As the sun set on yet another arduous year in primary care, it was time to get all glammed up and let the hair down at the Christmas bash.
Despite the icy roads and freezing weather conditions there was a good turn out. General Practice arrived fashionably late wearing a Savile Row suit, and took an awkward seat next to the PCT who had clearly been drinking before she arrived.
Sat opposite was the brash and outspoken Royal College, an austere GMC and a somewhat diffident looking BMA who was doing her best to avoid eye contact.
It all started so well, but after a few bottles of Bollinger, things got a little heated. The Royal College of Nursing straddled the table and ordered people to start dancing as it was now her party and she was the only one who knew how to have fun.
The Department of Health crooned 'I did it my way' into the microphone of the karaoke machine and General Practice knotted his tie around his forehead and jogged on the spot to Chesney Hawkes' 'I am the one and only'.
It all ended up in a food fight and a few fists were thrown. The Media gave General Practice a black eye, the DH was caught snogging a consortium in the car park and the BMA was found sobbing in the toilets with her knickers around her ankles.
Next year promises to be even better.
Dr Kevin Hinkley is a GP in Aberdeen.
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