Dr Krishna Kasaraneni comes in at number 12 in our 2013 Pulse Power 50 list - up 24 places since 2012.
Dr Krishna Kasaraneni is one of the youngest GPs to occupy a top-20 slot on our list, but according to our panel members he is already marking himself out as a ‘future leader of the profession’ while chairing the GPC trainees subcommittee.
At a time of great upheaval for trainees, Dr Kasaraneni has remained at the centre of the debate – whether that be on the failure of the Government to increase the number of GP trainees, the future funding of four-year training or contract negotiations for junior doctors.
Perhaps his outstanding achievement this year has been handling the CSA controversy ‘with aplomb’, as one peer put it. He has also lambasted the RCGP over technical problems with the revamped ePortfolio.
Despite being critical of the college, he has developed a good working relationship with Dr Ben Brown – the chair of the RCGP’s associates in training group and another rising star – which has shown his capacity to build bridges and negotiate well.
Nominations for Dr Kasaraneni said that he was ‘wise beyond his years’ and had an ‘ability to lead and influence’. Others said he was ‘an astoundingly good leader of the trainees committee,’ and others said ‘chair of GPC in 20 years, if not sooner’.
Dr Kasareni said he hoped his main achievement was in ‘representing trainees fairly, whether it is CSA, or the new contract – I hope that has come across well’.