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29. Dr Michelle Drage

Dr Michelle Drage comes in at number 29 in the 2013 Pulse Power 50. She has fallen 14 places from last year’s list.

As chief executive of the UK’s largest LMC, Dr Michelle Drage remains one of the most influential GPs in the country, despite losing out in a bid to become GPC chair over the summer.

She has been tireless in her focus on the problems that GPs in London are facing and a thorn in the side of NHS England over its apparent inability to pay practices on time.

Having most recently completed Londonwide LMCs largest-ever workload survey, Dr Drage will continue to speak up for the profession in the year to come - and if she has one wish it will be to ‘achieve the cessation of endless noise about new models of delivery’ and ‘investment in the building blocks which enable us to do the job we were trained to do.’

Dr Drage has released a major strategy for primary care in the capital, particularly highlighting the massive workload that practices are having dumped on them by hospitals.

As her peers said in nominating her for this list: ‘When Michelle speaks, everyone listens.’


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