Also, according to the authors ‘thematic analysis’, we GPs are generally a bit pissed off, too.
Hats off to the BJGP/RCGP. The noble BJGP organ is often derided for publishing the fluffy, the vacuous and the irrelevant, yet here it is getting down and dirty with some coalface GPs. Forget hard data and statistical analysis about retirements, resignations, mergers, practice closures, suicides and so on. When you’ve got the combined rantings of a handful of burnt out GPs like me catharting in the Pulse comments section between Monday morning heartsinks, who needs facts?
Besides, this sends a very clear message to the Government. The entire GP workforce, and especially one or two of us, is at breaking point, and Something Must be Done. So let’s keep the momentum up. That slight breeze you can feel stirring in the corridors of Whitehall could be the start of something bigger.
This sends a clear message that the entire GP workforce, and especially one or two of us, is at breaking point
Because if you comment on my blog about a story in Pulse about a study in the RCGP publication the BJGP about comments from Pulse readers on stories about organisations like the RCGP which found that those comments are quite critical of such organisations, which has generated further criticism of such organisations, and which is also symptomatic of a general pissed-offness, then further blogs and further comments will appear and spiral out of control, generating a hurricane of opinion which might just blow Jeremy Hunt away.
Or he might just think he’s got something in his eye.
Dr Tony Copperfield is a jobbing GP in Essex