Dr david turner duo 3×2
They muck it up the NHS.
They may not mean to, but they do
They keep all the faults from the last mess
Then add some new ones too.
But they were mucked up in their turn
By privilege and wealth.
How did we ever expect them to learn
About the needs of those with poor health?
They hand the problems down the line,
The buck stops with the GP.
Whose mental health is less than fine
And only resignation will set free.
Less is more, yes, less is more!
Less ticking, less targets, less all.
Our cries may be a bore
But our backs are against the wall.
So please Mr Hunt take a year off
And I’ll be in charge for a while.
The health service minus a toff,
Really will make us all smile.
(Apologies to P. Larkin, who I’m sure is rotating in his grave)
Dr David Turner is a GP in west London