GP pay will rise ‘by tuppence per patient’ under the new five-year GP contract, NHS England has announced.
Tuppence, or half a groat, which is a bit less than a tanner but still more than a thrupenny bit, will be given to GPs as part of the 2019/20 global sum.
‘Whichever way you look at it,’ GP Committee chair Richard Vautrey said, ‘the funding boost should be enough to buy some bread, margarine and a mug of milky tea.’
The funding boost should be enough to buy some bread, margarine and a mug of milky tea
It’s hoped that the extra investment will enable GPs to plan for the future and help instil a sense of confidence in the profession.
‘When we say confidence,’ Dr Vautrey added, ‘we mean the kind of confidence that a man sitting cross-legged in a train station doorway has when he starts his morning off with a poorly-tuned ukulele in one hand and an empty hat in the other.’
Dr Kevin Hinkley is a GP in Australia who previously practised in Glasgow and Aberdeen