26th May 2020
To: Chief Constable Jo Farrell, Durham Police, via email
Formal concern raised against Mr Dominic Cummings, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, requesting investigation of a potential breach of the 2020 Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations in the period of March – May 2020.
Dear Chief Constable Farrell,
GP Survival committee and members are writing to you this open letter as general practitioners to formally request investigation of Mr Dominic Cummings, special advisor to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to determine if he has committed an offence under Section 15 of the 2020 Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations in the period of March – May 2020, specifically to determine:
1. If the initial journey he and his family made on or around 28th March 2020 to stay at his parents’ property in Durham was an offence.
2. When Mr Cummings travelled while staying at this property to Barnard Castle on or around 12th April 2020, if this was an offence; we are also concerned he chose to drive a motor vehicle to ‘test his eyesight’ while carrying a child passenger for 60 miles and the risk this posed to other members of the public.
3. If there is any other evidence of Mr Cummings leaving the Durham property during this period in contravention of the regulations.
4. If there is evidence that after returning to London in mid-April 2020, Mr Cummings has made further return journeys to Durham or its surroundings and if this was an offence.
GPs have been amongst the many front-line NHS workers in helping to contain and manage the Covid-19 pandemic, and have advised many patients and their families over this period of the need to remain locked down at home, not to travel from home unless an emergency, to self-isolate for up to 14 days if symptomatic, and to remain at their primary residence. We are concerned that these allegations against Mr Cummings, unless resolved, will serve to undermine the public health interventions required to prevent further unnecessary deaths.
We feel that due to the potential risk of these unresolved allegations undermining public confidence in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is in the public interest to examine, using what evidence is available to you including ANPR CCTV and other methods to resolve this issue and be able to provide a clear statement to the public if offences had been committed.
GP Survival is an membership organisation of 8,400 GPs, led by an elected committee, who are interested in protecting the public health. We have collected a number of GP signatures via email in support at [email protected], and can forward these to you if required.
Yours sincerely
The GP Survival Committee
(300+ signatures)
If you wish to sign this letter, you can email [email protected], or comment below this – but please note, these can’t be anonymous.