- A maximum limit set out for the number of patients GPs can see in a day, with excess patients seen by ’locality hubs’
- A national list of services that are not included in core GMS which practices can choose if they wish to provide, with pricing benchmarks nationally set that can be locally adapted according to any variations’.
- The current CQC regulation process to be ‘replaced’ with ’targeted assessments of essential quality assurance processes where supported by evidence of risk of patient safety’.
- An end to the ‘duplication’ of the CQC registration process and NHS England’s national performers list ’with a single slimmed down cost-effective process funded by NHS England not practices’.
- A nationally defined employed GP contract modelled on the hospital consultant contract ’for those GPs working for other providers or GP led organisations’ in a bid to ease recruitment problems.
- An end of inapproptiate workload shift, including ‘all hospitals’ providing ‘a dedicated GP helpline to address primary/secondary care interface problems’;
- The introduction of 15-minute consultations
- A new DES for GPs to dedicate time to care home patients.
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