Through the K hole predicts that 2016 will be a bit like any other year and in particular it will be a bit like 2015.
2016 will be just like any other year, only a little bit shitter
In the time honoured tradition of annual forecasting a number of breathless commentators have predicted a wave of change in the profession. Predictions include charging for missed appointments, sacking Jeremy Hunt, mass protest and widespread emigration resulting in the near collapse of general practice. Sadly none of these will happen.
Instead you’ll invest in a new bog brush for the patients’ loo. Through the K hole predicts that this won’t get rid of the smell of piss and neither will changing the linoleum. You’ll also get a brand new chair for your consulting room which will have an awkward lilt to it and your car will scrape through its MOT with just the wind screen wiper blades needing replaced. Through the K hole predicts that this will please you enormously.
In fact through the K hole predicts that all the predictions made at the end of 2015 will be predictably wrong. Far from being apocalyptic, 2016 will be just like any other year, only a little bit shitter.
Dr Kevin Hinkley is a GP in Edinburgh