Have you got a problem with reality? Would you like to airbrush out all those difficulties?
Then why not try our new Quik-Vanish spray!
It’s scientifically proven to alter your world. And in just one easy sweep you can make even those most stubborn problems disappear.
‘I can’t remember what my life as a practice manager was like without it,’ one GP told us. ‘Now if there’s a crisis, I just whip out my all-in one can and with a single spray I can aerosol it away.’
‘We were on the ropes,’ said another. ‘Partners had retired, we couldn’t recruit and we didn’t have the staff to look after our nursing home. But with one puff our problems just disappeared. That’s right! Vanished!’
New Quik-Vanish is a citrus-scented problem-remover in a can: useful if you don’t like the situation you’re in!
Safe if used in moderation.
Dr Kevin Hinkley is a GP in Aberdeen.