Need a new direction in life? Want a fresh challenge? Or are you simply at a loose end? Then the GP College could be for you.
Here at the inappropriately named La Place de Givenchy College we can train you up to be a GP in only two years!
Using revolutionary teaching techniques introduced by Professor Candid we have been able to compress what normally takes 10 years into two by teaching only a fifth of the course content!
For people who want to become GPs without having to do all that tedious stuff like learning loads at university and passing lots of exams
Course modules include: winging it for beginners, handling complaints, don’t say that in court, resilience training, and the ever popular ‘I’d like to do that but I can’t.’
The course is over-seen by internationally renowned expert Professor Candid author of ‘Where the f*ck did I put the emergency bag: Lecture notes in Emergency Care’ and the award winning popular science book ‘Astrocytomas and shit’.
The GP college is the only co-educational college for people who want to become GPs without having to do all that tedious stuff like learning loads at university and passing lots of exams.
‘Thanks to the GP college I’m now indistinguishable from a GP except I’m not a doctor, I don’t have to take any responsibility and I’m a good two inches shorter,’ Becky, La Place De Givenchy College.
Dr Kevin Hinkley is a GP in Edinburgh