This site is intended for health professionals only

Some changes to PulseToday

Pulse was first published in 1960 and across the top of it was a strapline that still applies today, albeit in a completely different age.

‘A paper published entirely for the medical profession,’ it says. ‘Aimed mainly to be of service to you, to provide 20 minutes of relaxation after hours, it will give you information that will help you as a GP.’

In the same spirit we are bringing in a couple of measures today so that we can serve you better and to enhance the feeling of community on the site.

You may remember that a few months ago I asked for your feedback on anonymous comments on PulseToday. Many GPs said that you valued this facility, but would welcome a ‘display name’ function in order to better follow discussions. From today, you will be able to do this when you make a comment.

Over the next few weeks, everyone using the site will also have to update their details and enter a valid GMC number in order to continue accessing and commenting on PulseToday. To update your details click here

By restricting comments to just doctors we expect that the flow of debate will improve. Other health professionals will be able to access content using a capped number of article clicks per day and can also request to have an account, but this will be by application only. Non-GMC validated users will not be allowed to comment.

New GPs coming to the site will find it much easier to register with us and sign up for newsletters. Existing users will also find the occasional prompt to update their details and we may also advertise Pulse events or ask you the odd survey question along the way too. I know on other sites these constant interruptions can be annoying, but I promise we will try to make them as unobtrusive as possible.

Rest assured that the content on PulseToday will not change, remaining as up-to-the-minute, entertaining and informative for GPs as it has been for the past 56 years.

As ever, please do email us at [email protected] if you are having problems or read our FAQs on the log-in changes.

Nigel Praities is editor of Pulse