And so to the final session in which we hoped to lightly toast Prof Steve Field. Tragically, though, Prof Field was absent – obviously detained in his practice because of a suboptimal CQC inspection.*
So Prof Haslam bravely stood in, and all those eggs we’d brought, we’ll just have to use to make a massive omelette.
A great job Professor Haslam and the Pulse editor did, though, and some lively questions – not least a googly about whether GPs should print the prices of drugs on prescriptions and publicise the costs of consultations so that feckless punters (my words) can appreciate what a drain they are on the nation’s finances.
He declined to reply “for fear of appearing on the front of the Daily Mail”.
Right on the money with some other comments, though, saying that GPs are drowning in work, that we need to feel in control, and that “I genuinely believe that Jeremy Hunt is a fan of general practice”. Well, two out of three isn’t bad.
*Or possibly stuck in traffic – you decide.
Dr Tony Copperfield is a GP in Essex. You can email him at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @DocCopperfield.