Did you ill-advisedly respond to the advert calling for UK GPs in Australia to come back to Britain to work?
If so then, we want to hear from you.
We are currently re-recruiting cohorts for an April 2015 start – here are just some endorsements of the programme from last year:
‘“You want to do what? Have you had a knock on the head?” Words my wife uttered to me when I said I wanted to move back to the UK. It’s true I tried to settle back into the British way of life but spending a sham-summer wrestling with a flimsy umbrella showed me the error of my ways.
‘Thanks to Australia’s re-recruitment scheme though I’m back on track.’ – Relieved, 52, Brisbane
‘One minute I was drinking in the Sydney sunshine enjoying life and the next I was standing in a queue in Greggs.
‘I’m not sure how it happened, it was like waking up in an endless drizzly nightmare populated by people who eat pies filled with cat meat and despair.’ – Confused, 38, Sydney
So if you, like many others, would like to return to Australia after coming back to the UK from Australia, then give us a call now.
Dr Kevin Hinkley is a GP in Aberdeen.