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This election needs proper initiatives around GP workload

On Saturday, Welsh GP leaders will be debating whether to lobby ministers to revolutionise home visits.

A motion at the LMCs Conference calls for practices to be allowed to transfer urgent home visits to the emergency services after 2pm in a bid to relieve workload pressures. Of course, we don’t know whether the motion will pass, and even if it does, it is a long way before it becomes policy.

But what struck me about this is that it is an actual implementable initiative that will have an obvious impact on workload. This makes a refreshing change from hopeful statements about new primary care staff and practices working together.

We will be writing to health spokespeople with our Pulse manifesto on GP workloads

As important as it is to get the long-term strategy right, what we need right now is immediate policies to stem the demand. This should be the most pressing priority for the health spokespeople in the coming election.

And we will be writing to them with our Pulse manifesto on GP workloads, which we will be formulating over the coming week. So if you have any ideas about what to include, please send them to [email protected].

Jaimie Kaffash is editor of Pulse. Follow him on Twitter @jkaffash or email him at [email protected]