Mr Cameron,
I listened with interest this morning to your political sound biting on your General Practice vision for 8-8 working, seven days a week.
To be honest, we had been expecting this baloney for some months as your pilots for the scheme draw to a close. What’s more interesting, is that having pump-primed these pilots with £50m (half of what you are offering to roll it out across the country), they have failed to deliver the reductions in A&E attendance or quality as promised.
More importantly, these beleaguered services actually struggled to find any GPs to provide the service, despite having big money to play with. Not surprisingly you brushed over the lack of evidence to show that these ill advised, vote winning policies actually brought benefit to a system that tries to match cost effectiveness against consumerist demand.
In your closing speech, you pledged more funds for the NHS. Let us remember, before the last election the Conservative party promised no reorganisation of the NHS. They failed to keep that promise. How can we be asked to believe that current election promises will be kept and where are all these GPs going to come from, to deliver this 24/7 service?
However, rather than try and argue those old chestnuts, perhaps we should just stick to the facts, although I appreciate politicians are not great fans of fact over fiction.
– The NHS costs £113bn per year
– Primary care currently uses 8% of the budget – remember here please that we are constantly being slated for being unable to provide an effective and timely service, even with this percentage and we are consistently pressing for at least 10% of the budget to sustain current levels of service.
– However, using 8%, the primary care budget is in the order of £9bn per year
– GP practices currently open 8-6.30 5 days a week or 52.5hrs
– If practices opened 8-8, seven days a week this would be 84 hrs or a 60% increase in hours per week
You have pledged an extra £100m for this increase in hours. This equates to 1.1% increase in Primary Care funding for a 60% increase in workload.
Do the maths, as your advisors obviously can’t! Forget the rhetoric and the arguments about doctor salaries, this fairy tale is simply not deliverable.
Resilient GP
Dr Michelle Sinclair, GP Partner, Fleet, GU52 7US
Dr Hussain Gandhi. GP. Wellspring Surgery. Nottingham. NG3 3GG
Dr M Suresh, GP Principal, Woodsetton Medical Centre, B13 8QJ
Dr Alexis Manning, Sessional GP, CF11 0SF
Dr Nitika Silhi, Salaried GP, Lynwood Medical Centre, RM5 3QL
Dr Mark McCartney, Locum GP, SE Cornwall, PL12 6UR
Dr M Suresh, GP Principal, Woodsetton Medical Centre, B13 8QJ
Dr Freda Bhatti, GP, The Hollies Surgery, The Green, Gt. Bentley, Colchester, Essex, CO78PJ
Dr David Shore, General Practitioner, Rugby, CV230LU
Dr Iain Hotchkies, GP, Merseybank Surgery, M21 7NN
Dr Siobhan Brennan, GP Partner, ordsall health, m5 3ph
Dr Ranjan Pruthi, GP, phc mawney road, RM78NX
Dr O’Reilly, GP, Essex, Co78pj
Christopher Earnshaw, GP, Lever Chambers Centre for Health, BL11sq
Dr Hannah Gibbs, GP, St Paul’s Surgery, Winchester, SO22 5DD
Dr Hala Atkin, GP, Green lane, Cv3 6ea
Dr Alexis Manning, Sessional GP, CF11 0SF
Dr Noim Amin, G.P, BR1 3DR
Dr Prit Buttar, GP, Abingdon Surgery, OX14 3LB
Dr Rachel Blackman, GP, Hartley Corner Surgery, Blackwater, GU46 7TJ
Dr Rajesh Mahadevaiah, GP, Aylesham, CT3 3BB
Dr Howard Sunderland, GP Partner, Marple, Stockport, SK66AB
Dr Alan Woodall, GP Principal, Machynlleth, SY208EQ
Lorna Macgregor, GP, NHS Highland, PA318AE
Dr James Higgin, GP Principal, Downlands Medical Centre, BN26 6AE
Dr Bastiaan Kole, Free Lance GP, Fulham, SW6 4HS
Dr Pamini Ledchumykanthan, Sessional GP, Shepherds Bush, W12
Dr Vic Sivanesan, GP, Mansell Road Practice, UB69EN
Dr Natasha Collins, GP Partner, St Lukes Surgery, np11 5GX
Dr Alasdair Gallagher, GP, Oakley Medical Practice, Leeds, LS11 5HT
Dr Shivani Vinayak, Gp, Ne31 1nu
Dr Nicola Waldman, Gp principal, Merton medical Practice, London, SW19 1DG
Dr Rhianna McClymont, GP, London, NW62HJ
Dr R Adam, GP, Hounslow, Tw135jg
Dr Lynette Saunders, Salaried GP, Wantage, Oxfordshire, Ox12
Dr Rachel Ali, GP Registrar, Plymouth, pl4 6px
Dr Catherine Jones, GP, Lighthouse Practice, Eastbourne, Bn21 4hy
Dr Sukhdip Jhaj, GP, Silsden and Steeton Medical Practice, BD20 0DG
Dr Lynette Saunders, Salaries GP, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12
Dr Sagar dhanani, GP HILLINGDON, Ub77dp
Dr Ross wentworth, GP, Poplars medical centre swinton, m27 0na
Dr Alixe Thiagarasah, GP, N211rn
Dr Murali Nair
Dr Samir Dawlatly, GP, Jiggins Lane Medical Centre, B32 3LE
Dr Dave Jones, GP, locum, M32 9AE
Dr Alison Lawton, Salaried GP, Park View Medical Centre, Long Eaton, NG10 3RJ
Dr Rob Mawdsley, Dr, Bridge of Earn, PH2 0PQ
Dr Thirza Deboo, GP, Marlborough, Sn8 4by
Dr Rebecca Gidley, Salaried GP, E1 0LS
Dr Alexandra Taylor, GP, Chatfield healthcare, Sw113uj
Dr Ashley Southall, GP Partner, Larksfield Surgery, SG5 4HB
Dr Tom Hodges-Hoyland, GP Partner, Ashgrove Surgery, CF37 2DR
Dr Sophia Galloway, GP, Steyning Health Centre, West Sussex, BN3 5ND
Dr Katherine Robertson, GP, Colinton surgery, Eh13 0LB
Dr Lenin Vellaturi, ST4 4QF
Dr Helen Phillips, GP, Burney Street Practice, SE10 8EX
Dr Yusuf Rajbee, GP partner, Portland Medical Centre, Se25 4qb
Dr Mei-Ling Lancashire, GP, Surrey, GU15
Dr Clare Dyer, GP, Baldwins lane, WD3 3LG
Dr Naylea Choudry, GP partner, Darwen health centre, Bb3 1py
Dr Robert Hegedus, GP Partner, Builth Wells, SA200YW
Dr Tabassum Ahmed, GP, Arnos Grove Medical Centre, N11 1BD
Amit Tiwari, GP, Mersea Island Surgery, CO5 8RA
Dr Nikki Prasad, GP, Ch medical, fields new road, West Didsbury, M202ED
Dr Shama Shaid, General Practitioner, Hemel Hempstead, Hp12ld
Dr A.Butt, GP, Sw4
Dr Tom Caldwell, GP Partner, Thorneloe Lodge Surgery, WR1 1RU
Dr Seema Haider, GP, Haiderian Medical Centre, Rm142yn
Dr Anna Morris, GP, Orchard Medical Practice, LE9 6RG
Dr Monah Mansoori, GP, TW1 2JU
Dr Dax Tennant, GP Partner, Polegate, BN245FH
Dr Jonathan Ferdinand, General Practitioner, Wickhambrook Surgery, Suffolk, CB8 8XU
Dr Sarah Worboys, GP, Nw52be
Dr Donagh O’Riordan, Consultant Physician, Colchester General Hospital, Colchester, Essex, CO4
Dr Rajeev Kanwar, gp, kineton, cv47 2qa
Dr Yogasakaran Arjuna, GP Principle, The Woodberry Practice, N21 3LE
Dr Victoria Ingham, Salaried Gp, Hawthorn medical centre, Swindon, Sn2 1uu
Dr Asha Pillai, GP Partner, Surrey, KT12 4HT
Dr Ben Williams, GP, Poplars Medical Centre Swinton, M270NA
Dr Jeremy Goad, GP Partner, Victoria Practice, Aldershot, GU11 1AY
Dr Russell Brown, GP, Manor Park Medical Centre, BN26 5DJ
Dr Anna Martin, GP, Queens Walk, W10 6HT
Dr Graham Hoggard, Pharmacist, Barnsley, S71 3qw
Dr David Barrett, GP Partner, The Old School Surgery, LE9 4LJ
Dr Alistair Richardson, GP, The village practice, N7 5JJ
Dr Nadim Azar, GP, The Glebe Practice, LN1 2NU
Dr John G Hughes, GP, M25 9GD
Dr Nasir Nabi, GP Trainer, Walker Medical Group, NE6 3BS
Dr Damian Fogarty, Consultant Nephrologist, Belfast Health & Social Care Trust, BT9 7AB
Dr Alison Johnston, GP, Ulverston Health Centre, LA12 7BT
Dr Jonathan Harte, GP, Aspley Medical Centre, NG8 5RU
Dr Kamal Sidhu, GP, Durham, TS27 4LQ
Dr Danielle Hann, GP partner, BD12 9NG
Dr Simionescu Ozana Maria, The Poplars Medical Centre, M27 0na
Dr David McLees, GP, Wallace House, SG14 1HZ
Dr C Patel, GP, London, sw66hx
Dr Zoe Neill, GP (soon to be ex) principal, Gibson Lane Practice, HG2 9PE
Dr Stewart Rutherfurd, General Practitioner, Morrab Surgery, Penzance, TR18 4EL
Dr Ruth Spencer, GP, 55 Hunter St, G4 0UP
Dr Amy Banks, GP, N1
Dr Colin Brunt, GP, Poplars Medical Centre, M27 0NA
Dr Paul Evans, GP Locum, North East England, DH1 4BE
Ian Davis, GP, Cirencester, gl77ey
Dr Michael Weymar, GP, Overseas
Dr Leena Menon, GP partner, Courthouse Medical Centre Caerphilly, CF83 8 NJ
Dr Teresa Tang, Villa Street Medical Centre, SE17 2EL
Dr Deborah Webb, GP, The Old School Surgery, Le9 4lh
Dr Lisa Griffiths-Brown, GP, South Wigston, LE18 4SE
Dr Catherine Lewis, GP Registrar, Hounslow, TW1 2AU
Dr Kirsty Shepherd, GP, Thw Wychwood Surgery, Shipton under Wychwood, GL7 3PH
Dr Ruth Marchant, GP, manorbrook medical center, SE3 0EN
Dr Brenda Moran, Salaried GP, Herne Hill Group Practice, SE24 9QP
Dr RJ Pinto-Wright, GP Partner, Ambrose Avenue Group Practice, CO3 4LN
Dr Karuna Sharma, GP, Richmond Surgery, Richmond Close, Fleet, GU52 7US
Dr William Gordon-Wright, GP, Horsham, DT6 6DA
Dr Sharif Hossain, GP Principal, Highcliffe Medical Practice, Higham, ME3 7DB
Dr P Bradbury, GP, Walkley House medical centre, S8 0BY
Dr Justin Ilott, gp partner, courthouse carphilly, cf83 3gh
Dr Bunmi Adeniji, GP, Windhill Green Medical Centre, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 1QB
Dr Robert J White, GP, Westfield Surgery, TN35 4QE
Dr Tom Caldwell, WR37JW
Dr Paul Fitzgerald, GP, Minster Medical Practice, LN2 2JP
Dr Tesan Hadzikadunic, Cv34 6fs, United Kingdom
Dr Stephanie De Giorgio, GP Principal, Cedars Surgery, Deal, CT14 7DN, United Kingdom
Dr Carol Millington, M276HG, United Kingdom
Dr Eilish Davoren, DT6 5FD, United Kingdom
Dr Ian Bruce, G41 2AF, United Kingdom
Dr Nick Beedie, M47aj, United Kingdom
Dr Siobhan Stapleton, GP Partner, Mansell Road Practice, UB6 9EN