A letter signed by over 300 GPs describing how indemnity costs are ‘killing’ general practice was hand-delivered to the Department of Health today.
The letter, penned by long-time campaigner and GP in Blackburn Dr Preeti Shukla, was published last month and caused a sensation on the Pulse website with many GPs adding their names in support.
It was hand-delivered by Pulse editor Nigel Praities and deputy editor Jaimie Kaffash alongside a copy of the most recent issue of the magazine, which featured the indemnity fees ‘timebomb’ on the cover.
Pulse has been continually highlighting the impact of rising indemnity fees over the past few months, urging the Government to make good on a promise in its 2017 election manifesto to put in place a ‘sustainable long-term solution’.
In the letter, Dr Shukla says: ’General practice is imploding and if something is not done straight away we will become a thing of the past.’
NHS chief executive Simon Stevens recently promised that he was working on a ‘very substantial, medium-term GP indemnity solution’ , but aside from some back-pedalling on changes to the so-called ‘discount rate’ there has been very little visible progress.
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