Dr Claire Davies – online
‘I am on maternity leave and I wanted to go back for two sessions a week, one of which would be out of hours, and I was quoted something like £7,000 from the indemnity provider – 25% of my salary. I also work as an appraiser and for the CCG, and for those things you don’t need indemnity, so they end up being more cost effective’
Dr Claire Davies, salaried and out-of-hours GP in Hackney, east London
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‘In July, I experienced a 40% hike in indemnity, which leaves me with an hourly rate of just £25.50 before tax’
Dr Shaba Nabi, GP in Bristol
Dr Grant Ingrams
‘Reimbursement would need to be £3 per patient to cover the rise to my indemnity costs this year’
Dr Grant Ingrams, GP in Leicester
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‘Indemnity needs to be a shared risk again. Remember when we shared costs equally, based on total national payouts every year – why did we allow that to change?’
Sir Sam Everington, GP in Tower Hamlets, east London
Dr Fay Wilson C
Dr Fay Wilson C
‘Would GPs take on more work if their indemnity costs were covered? It is like asking if the Pope is Catholic’
Dr Fay Wilson, GP in Birmingham and medical director for out-of-hours provider Badger
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’We are in active discussions with all parties about what the impact of the discount rate will be for GPs so we can ensure a sustainable system in the coming months and years ahead’
Dr Richard Vautrey, GPC chair and GP in Leeds