GPs have voted to ‘vehemently oppose’ the CQC’s plans for an Ofsted-style rating system for GP practices.
The LMC Conference also demanded an apology from Professor Steve Field, the chief inspector of primary care, for ‘advertising adverse findingd disproportionately.
Dr David Dickson from South Staffordshire proposed a motion that said the conference should ‘deplore’ the CQC’s plans for a ‘simplistic’ ratings system, and the GPC should oppose it ‘vehemently’.
He said: ‘These ratings will be divisive. There will be damaging consequences for many practices and for general practice as a whole. The CQC judgements will be unfair, and will further demoralise the profession.’
Also speaking in favour of the motion, Dr Sarah Khan, a GP in Hertfordshire, said: ‘CQC, it really is quite remarkable, the response those three letters have in the medical community. [Practice managers] turn white as sheets, hospital managers’ faces twist in anguish. Personally, I hear the “Jaws” movie theme tune in my head.’
‘Of course we are aware of the positivies that the CQC brings to medicine. It is unacceptable to have out-of-date drugs, fridges that hold vaccines without temperature recordings, dirty carpets et cetera. Equally, this isn’t Salem in the 1600s, there is no need for a witch hunt.’
The motion, which was fully supported, also called for the necessary help, including funding, to be provided to practice when CQC identifies problems.
LMCs also voted to deplore the CQC’s ‘disproportionate advertising’ of ‘adverse findings’,such as the press release earlier this year when inspectors found some maggots in one practice earlier this year – a finding that was challenged by the practice in question.
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Motions in full
Motion 16 – Carried in full
AGENDA COMMITTEE to be proposed by SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE That conference deplores CQC’s plans for a simplistic rating system for practices and demands:
(i) that where problems are identified by the CQC the necessary help, including funding, to improve premises is delivered speedily and efficiently
(ii) that the CQC takes into account what is deliverable/attainable in making their report
(iii) that the CQC must standardise the quality and professionalism of their inspections
(iv) that in relation to appointing new partners the CQC ceases its obstructive behaviour
(v) that GPC opposes this vehemently.
Motion 17 – Carried
MID MERSEY That conference deplores the CQC for advertising adverse findings disproportionately and demands an apology from the Chief Inspector of general practice.
Motion 18 – Carried
KENT That conference believes that GP waiting and consultation rooms should:
(i) be conducive to a therapeutic environment
(ii) not be subject to the same standards of infection control as treatment rooms
(iii) be permitted to have carpets and soft furnishings
(iv) be cosy and comfortable.
Motion 19 – Carried
DEVON That conference believes it should be an essential requirement of any primary care performance committee considering GPs performance to always contain at least one member nominated by the local medical committee.