With the CQC’s report today and resulting media coverage, do you believe the majority of GPs are being unfairly blamed for the failings of a small minority?
Answered question: 286
Yes: 271 (94.8%)
No: 8 (2.8%)
Don’t know: 7 (2.4%)
Do you believe your practice provides a safe and high quality service for patients currently?
Answered question: 286
Yes: 275 (96.2%)
No: 4 (1.4%)
Don’t know: 7 (2.4%)
When registering, did your practice declare non-compliance with one or more of the CQC’s essential standards?
Answered question: 272
Yes: 25 (9.2%)
No: 171 (62.9%)
Don’t know: 76 (27.9%)
Do you believe the CQC process as it stands is a fair way of assessing the quality of GP practices?
Answered question: 285
Yes: 34 (11.9%)
No: 212 (74.4%)
Don’t know: 39 (13.7%)
Do you believe the CQC process as it stands is an effective way of identifying poorly performing practices?
Answered question: 285
Yes: 44 (15.4%)
No: 200 (70.2%)
Don’t know: 41 (14.4%)
Do you have confidence in Professor Steve Field as the chief inspector of general practice?
Answered question: 280
Yes: 43 (15.4%)
No: 187 (66.8%)
Don’t know: 50 (17.9%)
Is the building your practice is currently based in of an acceptable standard?
Answered question: 283
Yes: 234 (82.7%)
No: 36 (12.7%)
Don’t know: 13 (4.6%)
Are drugs being stored safely within your practice?
Answered question: 284
Yes: 274 (96.5%)
No: 4 (1.4%)
Don’t know: 6 (2.1%)
Do you believe that your practice currently provides satisfactory access to patients?
Answered question: 282
Yes: 263 (93.3%)
No: 14 (5%)
Don’t know: 5 (1.8%)
Has your practice been through a CQC inspection so far?
Answered question: 284
Yes: 53 (18.7%)
No: 211 (74.3%)
Don’t know: 20 (7%)
If your practice has been through a CQC inspection process so far, to what extent would you agree with each of the following:
The inspection was thorough
Answered question: 60
Strongly agree: 13 (21.7%)
Agree: 20 (33.3%)
Not sure: 13 (21.7%)
Disagree: 7 (11.7%)
Strongly disagree: 7 (11.7%)
The inspection was fair
Answered question: 59
Strongly agree: 5 (8.5%)
Agree: 16 (27.1%)
Not sure: 19 (32.2%)
Disagree: 6 (10.2%)
Strongly disagree: 13 (22%)
The inspection was overzealous
Answered question: 59
Strongly agree: 16 (27.1%)
Agree: 8 (13.6%)
Not sure: 16 (27.1%)
Disagree: 13 (22%)
Strongly disagree: 6 (10.2%)
The inspectors were suitably qualified to inspect a GP practice
Answered question: 59
Strongly agree: 1 (1.7%)
Agree: 10 (16.9%)
Not sure: 22 (37.3%)
Disagree: 8 (13.6%)
Strongly disagree: 18 (30.5%)
Has patient care at your practice been negatively affected by the squeeze on GP funding over the past year?
Answered question: 283
Yes: 215 (76%)
No: 42 (14.8%)
Don’t know : 26 (9.2%)
Do you believe that your practice’s ability to provide patients with an acceptable standard of care has been jeopardised by the recent squeeze on GP funding?
Answered question: 285
Yes: 222 (77.9%)
No: 45 (15.8%)
Don’t know: (18 (6.3%)