How practices will be given their ratings
- Practices will be given an Ofsted-style rating of either outstanding, good, needs improvement, inadequate for a total of 42 ratings which will have to be displayed in the practices and on the website alongside their final score.
- Inspection teams will have to answer questions along ‘key lines of enquiry’ to answer five ‘fundamental questions’ of whether the practice is safe, well led, responsive, caring and effective.
- Practices will also have to answer these questions in the care of six key patient groups including older people, people with long term conditions and people with poor mental health (including dementia).
- The scores on the five questions and six population groups will then be aggregated, and practices will ‘normally’ receive an aggregate outstanding rating if they score outstanding on two or more categories.
- But they will ‘normally’ be limited to ‘requires improvement’ where they have one rating of requires improvement or inadequate where they have been found inadequate in two categories.
- These aggregate scores will then be combined to give the final rating.