The CQC is changing the way it organises its practice inspections, assigning a named lead inspector for each CCG area from October 2015 in a bid to improve the relationships between practices and inspectors.
The named lead inspector will carry out the majority of inspections in each CCG, and these will be scheduled throughout the year.
Practices receiving a routine inspection – rather than a surprise visit where problems have been identified – will still receive two weeks’ notice prior to a visit.
The previous model, where the inspectorate identified CCG areas it would be focusing on and teams aimed to visit around a quarter of practices within a roughly four-week window, has been deemed inefficient.
It was also believed that each batch of CCG visits would allow area specific trends or problems to be identified, discussed and acted on by CCGs.
CCG areas already scheduled to receive a batch of inspections will not see the changes introduced until January.
A CQC spokesperson said the scheme was being rolled out nationally after succesful pilots across England, adding: ‘This will help to build and develop local relationships and knowledge, spread the programme of inspection for a CCG area more evenly across each year, and enable CQC to plan more efficiently and effectively.’