In their publication Quality first: Managing workload to deliver safe patient care, the BMA compiled a list of enhanced services that have been commissioned somewhere in the UK. It is not an exhaustive list but gives examples of the kind of services you may be able to get funding for providing:
- 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
- Alcohol & drug misuse
- Asylum seekers & refugees
- Bank holiday working
- Cardiovascular health checks
- Chlamydia screening
- D-Dimer / DVT management in the community to avoid hospital admissions
- Shared care / specialist drug monitoring
- ECG recording
- Extended hours
- Flu immunisation
- Gonadorelin analogue treatment
- HIV in primary care
- Homeless patients
- Insertion of contraceptive devices
- Insulin initiation or conversion
- Minor injuries
- Nursing Homes – enhanced services
- Phlebotomy
- Post-op suture removal
- Pre and post ops
- Primary care sexual health scheme
- Prostate cancer follow up
- Provision of immediate and first response care
- Referral review scheme
- Ring pessary insertion
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Smoking cessation programmes
- Spirometry
- Student Health
- Alcohol and substance misuse
- Vasectomy
- Violent patients